Laser hair removal is an effective hair removal method that gives you smooth skin permanently. That means no more razors, creams, or painful waxing sessions to achieve smooth and soft skin. At Renew Society Med Spa, our body hair removal services are fast, effective, and virtually pain-free. If you are new to laser hair removal, take a look at our beginner’s guide to laser hair removal treatments.
If you are new to laser hair removal, then you probably have a lot of questions. It’s best to ask any questions before scheduling a laser hair removal session to ensure that it’s the right option for you. Read below and check out some of these common laser hair removal questions.
Is It Painful?
The first question that almost everyone asks about laser hair removal is if it’s painful. Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removal is virtually pain-free! While waxing tugs at the skin and razors create painful burns or cuts, laser hair removal doesn’t have the same uncomfortable side effects.
How Does It Work?
The reason why laser hair removal is practically painless is that it uses light to prevent future hair growth. During the hair removal process, we use a laser that emits a specific frequency of light. The melanin, or pigment, in the hair absorbs this light. Then, the light transforms into heat, and this heat prevents hair follicles from producing more hair. It’s safe, effective, and pain-free.
At Renew Society Med Spa, we zap the hair in squares to make the process as quick and effective as possible. We also blow cold air onto the skin during the process to make sure your visit is more comfortable.
Is It Effective For All Hair Types?
Whether you have brown, black, red, blond, or gray hair, we are sure to have effective laser hair removal solutions for you at Renew Society Med Spa. While our lasers usually do work on blond, grey, and red hair, if you have any concerns regarding hair type, come in for a free consultation. We will help you determine if there is enough pigment in your hair for the lasers to work.

How Many Sessions Does It Take?
Everyone’s body is different, which is why the number of required treatment sessions varies for everyone. Usually, eight treatments are enough for 90 percent of people. At Renew Society Med Spa, our average number of treatments is around seven to 10.
Is It Safe For Everyone?
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to prevent hair growth. However, this is only the case when professionals perform the treatment. Never accept laser hair removal from someone who has not received professional training. Additionally, our laser hair removal services are safe for all skin tones, but if you have sensitive skin or other concerns, just give us a call or schedule a free consultation.
Does The Hair Regrow?
Throw out your razors and wax because after you complete your laser hair removal sessions, stubborn hair is gone forever! Most clients from Renew Society Med Spa are 95-100 percent hair-free after their recommended number of sessions. After your laser hair removal treatments are complete, get ready to enjoy soft, smooth, and glowing skin forever!
In the next section of this beginner’s guide to laser hair removal treatments, let’s go over the steps in the process. This will help you understand our Renew Society Med Spa process and give you an idea of what to expect. It’s a pretty straightforward process when you follow the steps that we outline below.
1. Identify Stubborn Hair Growth
First, you need to identify the area you want to rid of stubborn hair. At Renew Society Med Spa, we offer our treatment for legs and arms as well as the face, neck, chest, and more. You can view the pricing and options for each area on our website.
2. Choose Your Removal Plan
After you identify where you want to remove hair, then it’s time to look at removal plans. You can choose each area separately or pick a combination. You can also look at our Unlimited Plan, which allows you to schedule any areas for laser hair removal for one year.
3. Schedule Your Sessions
The next step is to schedule your laser hair removal sessions. You can use the schedule consult button in the top right corner of our website to arrange an in-person consultation. To contact us, you can use our email or phone number listed at the top of our website.

4. Learn Some Preparation Tips
You’re probably wondering how to prepare, especially if this is your first laser hair removal session. The preparation process is simple for this treatment.
- First, you should stop plucking or waxing the area that you want to target.
- Next, come in with your natural skin tone, which means no tanning lotion, beds, or excessive time in the sunshine.
- Finally, remember to shave 24 to 48 hours before your treatment, and come in with clean skin, meaning no lotions or makeup.
5. Voice Questions Or Concerns
With that, you are all set up for your laser hair removal session! Now is the time to voice any personal questions or concerns you may have about the process. For instance, if you have extremely sensitive skin, now would be the time to bring that up to your specialists and determine the right kind of treatment for you.
6. Discuss With Your Esthetician
When you arrive for your treatment, feel free to discuss any questions, concerns, or thoughts you may have about the process. All our professional estheticians are glad to help and make the process as fast and easy as possible. In fact, we finish most of our laser hair removal treatments in under 30 minutes!
If there is anything we can do to make the process easier and more comfortable for you, please let us know, and we’ll be glad to help. You can also discuss our other skin treatments and facials with your esthetician while you’re here and learn more about our other services.